WordPress Mistakes

WordPress Mistakes Which Can Shatter Your Dream of Building A Better Blog.

People make mistakes and learn from them. Me, you, everyone makes mistakes in their lives. The same thing goes while handling a WordPress blog. There are many WordPress mistakes people make. The blogging mistakes you make in your starting days can affect your future and your dream of building a better blog.

In this post, I am going to mention some mistakes which shouldn’t be made by you. When you enter in the blogosphere then many things should be learned. All about the SEO, web hostings, and many other things. You should know how to build the best blog ever.

You have dreams in your eyes for which you are working hard on your blog. If you don’t want to get shattered your dreams then don’t repeat the WordPress beginner mistakes.

The WordPress Mistakes You May Make.

1. The Platform You Choose:- You may have read a lot about the pros and cons of self-hosted and the fully-hosted versions of the WordPress. For some people, it’s kind of hard to decide the right platform. It’s always recommended to choose the self-hosted version of the WordPress to build a professional blog. Blogspot may be an another choice for the beginners. The decision would be dependent upon your goals.

2. You Don’t Update WordPress:- If don’t keep your WordPress version up-to-date then you are making a mistake. It may tend to give an opportunity for the hackers to hack your website. You shouldn’t provide any possibility to create a backdoor to enter in your WordPress website. All the plugins and the themes should keep updated.

3. Favicon Is Absent:- There are many bloggers who don’t even know what a favicon is. If you haven’t added a favicon on your website then do it as soon as possible. You should have the brand symbol on our website. Behave like a pro and do the right thing.

4. Keep The Default Admin Name:- When you install the WordPress for the first time then the default username is the “admin”. You should change the username just after installing the WordPress. If you keep the default username then it won’t be hard to hack your website. Along with the username, you should change the password to keep it strong.

5. You Use The Default Theme:- After installing the WordPress, you should choose the theme from the WordPress repository. Don’t choose the theme from a bad source. There are many things you should check before uploading a WordPress theme. If you are capable of buying a new theme then go for pro.

6. Default Permalinks:- One of the biggest WordPress beginner mistakes is to use the default permalinks. To make your blog posts as SEO friendly, you should set the permalinks according to that. The SEO friendly permalinks structure should be chosen.

7. No Caching Plugin:- You all know that the speed of your speed matters a lot from the SEO point of view. You must install any caching plugin which can enhance the speed of your WordPress website. You can use the W3Total cache with the proper minify settings to run it more efficiently. There are many other plugins like the wp super cache .

8. Contact Form is Missing:- Never do the blogging mistakes of not having a contact form on your WordPress website. You should provide an anonymous way to reach you so that they can share their problems with you. Provide the 24×7 option with the help of a contact form. There are many plugins using which you can create your own contact form.

9. You Use The “Just Another Blog” tagline:- For beginners, WordPress is like a puzzle to solve. they don’t realize that WordPress adds the default tagline on the website. never do that do. Always create your own tagline according to the niche of your blog. It may be anything you like. The point is that you shouldn’t let the default tagline published.

10. Keeping The Sample Page:- Like all other things, WordPress provide you the sample page. If you keep it then it will get published in the Google. It won’t be good for your professional image. Delete the page just after the WordPress installation.

11. Database Error:- It may be considered as one of the fatal WordPress mistakes. It’s because the bloggers create the database but forget to fill the credentials in the wp-config.php file. They should check the credentials so that they don’t get the database establishing error.

12. URL Change:- Beginners keep changing the URL of their website to choose the best and effective URL. But they forget to change the URL from the WordPress dashboard or change it from the database. You can change it from anywhere. But if can’t able to login to your wp-admin panel then using the database is the only option.

13. No optimization:- You all know that the page loading time has the major effect on the popularity of your blog. To improve it the newbies don’t look upon the image sizes. They just upload the full-size images and embed them in their blog post. They should use an optimizer for their images. They should try to reduce the page size using the GZIP compression.

14. No Security:- The security should be the major concern for you. You should improve the security of your website by disabling the WordPress directories browsing and stopping the PHP execution by adding the code in the .htaccess file. There are many security tips and tricks to use to empower your website.

15. No backup:- This is one of the biggest WordPress beginner mistakes. You should have the backup of your website and the database on your hard drive. No one knows about the devil. Be prepared for the hard times. If you run multiple websites then you can backup your website and the database separately.

16. Not Using Google Analytics:- How would you know about the stats of your website? Though WordPress provides you to see the number of visitors on your blog per day. But you can’t analyze your whole website. You should install Google Analytics on your website to know the every aspect of the visitors and the views of your website. There is so much to do with the Google Analytics.

17. Mismatched Categories:- You try to add more and more categories on your website. But it’s always better to choose the category related to the niche for which your blog is known. Don’t try to embed more categories which look unstructured on your website.

18. The Search index option:- You should know that there is a search engine index option in WordPress. if you choose it not to index the site then it would be fatal for you. You can ruin your whole hard work. make sure that you never check that option from WordPress. I mean why would you want that? If you have any problem with WordPress then you delete the WordPress and then re-install it.

19. The Username:- Don’t forget to change the username you show in the public. You can’t show the username of your WordPress admin panel to the world. Choose the nickname to show your readers.

20. Spending More than Needed:- In the starting days, beginners think that they should buy the best and the bigger plan of the web hosting and many other factors with the domain name. I mean what’s the need to buy the security. You can do that when you have the popular website.

Are You Repeating These WordPress Beginner Mistakes?

The above-mentioned mistakes are the overview of the WordPress mistakes. They are so many blogging mistakes the beginners make. Are you doing the same with your WordPress blog?

Don’t you change the default username? Are you having the backup of your website and the database?

Don’t fret about the list. You can remove all the mistakes. Just keep the small things of the WordPress and you won’t make WordPress beginner mistakes. Handle your WordPress blog with care. It’s the way to build the best blog ever.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    People often misinterpret the power of google analytics, they both bother to install it, but it’s important to keep up the update and aware of the statistics about your blog

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Priyam,

      We all make mistakes. But while building a WordPress blog, you must keep these mistakes in your mind not to make.

      After installing the Google Analytics, you will come to know the perfect targeting audience and the country. All the stats will be shown to you.

      To fulfill the dream of a better blog, you must avoid these mistakes.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Have an awesome day.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Very Nice points. Thinks like not using favicon and not taking the backup could really be the big mistakes done by any blogger.

    Although, I enjoyed reading rest of the points too.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hey Robin,

      WordPress is a kind of vast platform to use. You should learn everything about it. These WordPress mistakes can show you unprofessional. However, there are many other things to take into consideration.

      I am sure, you are not making these WordPress mistakes for your blog.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have a great week ahead.


  3. I love WordPress. I love almost everything about WordPress. I’ve been using the CMS for over four years and it’s been awesome. So far? I can affirm to all that you’ve said here.

    Caching is a very important for any type of Website and WP is not excluded. Updating WordPress is also important but at times I’m scared of breaking my website. Like the one I did a few days ago.

    You probably have seen a change in my blog look and feel. The stuff just went AWOL on me and I just had to revert. Anyways. Thanks for the brilliant article.

    Worth sharing ?


    1. Hi Babs,

      The page loading time of your website matters a lot. You should have the proper caching plugin. I have noticed many bloggers whose website speed is not so good. The main thing is they don’t have any idea about caching.

      Updating the WordPress is needed. I can relate to the website breaking. So it’s good to have the backup of your website before updating the WordPress. Always take the precautions.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

      Have a happy weekend.


  4. Hello Ravi,

    Thanks for your excellent post. It does not matter how long a person has been a blogger mistakes will happen. Posts like these are so helpful to all of us. For instance, my blog does not have the caching plugin but will in a few seconds. I tend to forget to change my username from admin when building a site. Even though I am not a complete beginner It is still so easy to make the mistakes you mentioned. I thank you again and looking forward to reading your other posts of your excellent blog. Sincerely David

    1. Hi David,

      Everyone makes mistakes in their starting days. But the point is that you shouldn’t repeat these mistakes. Having a caching plugin will improve the speed of your website and will save you from many conflicts.

      If you do any changes in your website without any caching plugin then it may happen that you wouldn’t notice anything because of the cache. Clearance of the cache is very important.

      Thanks for sharing your valuable thoughts with us.

      Have a great day.


  5. Hey, Rav! How are you doing?

    You’ve mentioned a very simple and basic, but completely important for bloggers, and especially newbies.

    I would admitted that I did some of the above mistakes when I first started my blog in 2009. I tried to add multi categories to a single blog post as I thought it will help to get more traffic, but I’m wrong. The readers found duplicated topic almost everywhere on my blog thus the conversion rate pointed down.

    Another point of view I love in this article is what you’ve mentioned about the choosing of platform. You know? it’s the most popular mistakes for every newbie. I spent about 2 years with free CMS until I perceived the benefits of self-hosting.

    Finally, the most scarcity mistake I ever did is ignoring the security and backup. You know?… last 2 years, my blog was hacked and I cannot recover back my blog. I decided to delete and reinstall the blog. I get my property, even so I lose over hundreds articles.

    You know? I do fucking the hacker.

    1. Hi Kimsea,

      It’s not just you, there are many bloggers in the blogosphere who are making such mistakes. Though it’s good to start with the blogpost platform but if you crave to have a professional blog then you must shift to WordPress.

      The security of your website plays an important role. Many bloggers neglect that phase and face the consequences.

      You must disable the directory browsing and the PHP execution for your website to improve its security.

      Thanks for taking time to drop the input.

      Have a nice day.


  6. Hello, Ravi!

    Gladly, I am not committing these mistakes (I think not) ..

    The first and foremost items to get control of, to change the default settings starting from settings to the theme to many other things.

    And favicons are mostly overestimated. I have seen the default or no favicon at all on even established blogs.

    And caching plugin is the must to balance off the load when we start to receive in coming days.

    Thanks for the great write up!

    ~ Adeel

    1. Hey Adeel,

      WordPress comes with many default settings including the username, posts, and pages. You should take care of those things before writing any blog post.

      For newbies, these mistakes can turn into something worst.

      They should try to improve the security of their website by changing the default username and the password.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Hope you are having a great time.


  7. Hi Ravi,

    you made some excellent points here that are often overlooked from people just starting to use WordPress. Keeping these mistakes in mind when starting a new blog, and avoiding them, means you’re already off to a great start.

    Personally I love WordPress as a content management system, as it is very flexible and with all the plugins available it can be use for almost any purpose.

    Thanks for sharing,


    1. Hi Torsten,

      No doubt that WordPress is an amazing CMS with many plugins. But there are many bloggers who don’t know how to use WordPress efficiently. They just jump up in this field.

      The pointed mentioned in the post relate to many bloggers who do such mistakes.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Have a great day.


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